Automobile Liability & Physical Damage
Commercial automobile insurance is most likely one of the largest expenses, behind payroll and fuel, for non-emergency medical transportation or paratransit companies. It is necessary to protect your business from accidents specific to the operation of your covered automobiles.
Automobile liability insurance provides coverage for bodily injury or property damage that you cause others through the operation of your vehicle. While there are several options available when it comes to coverage limits, most non-emergency medical transportation brokers require their transportation providers to secure a limit of $1,000,000 combined single limit (CSL).
Auto physical damage provides coverage for your vehicles in the event of a collision or non-collision incident, such as a tree falling on your vehicle or theft. This coverage is often required if you have vehicles that are leased or have loans attached.
NEMT Insurance is devoted to help provide a tailored commercial automobile policy for your specific business needs.